Terrestrial public transport is called for an hour of alarm, - remind the Kiev city state administration - KMDA
Terrestrial public transport, zokrema and private carriers, at the hour of repeated alarms, rushed to a safe city, it was clear to the Rules of the traffic rush.
Passengers can leave the salon and go to the nearest corner.
The subway, like before, under the hour of repeated alarms, is not transported by ground planes and closed to the work of open-air stations.
Vidpovidne decision For the sake of defending the city of Kiev, the day of the year.
Mіska vlada urges the townspeople not to be naughty with the signals of repeated anxiety and to end the curfew year!
Hopefully, the map is posted on the Official Portal of the City of Kyiv for help: https://cutt.ly/ZZnFKng, as well as on the city’s “Kyiv Digital” stop.